Lidya Global Tedarik Danışmanl... [email protected]

Company Contact Information

  • Lidya Global Tedarik Danışmanlık ve Bilişim Teknolojileri Ataşehir Bulvarı Metropol İstanbul A Blok No:2E Ataşehir / İstanbul / Türkiye
  • [email protected]
  • +90 850 432 52 60

Social List


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Important Features:


Overview and Annual Sales Table

Last 5 Sales Transactions

5 Monthly and Annual Best Selling Products


Standard Product, Digital Product

Product Categories

Add, Edit, Delete and View Products

Print Barcodes

Import With CSV

Sales Transactions

Add, Edit, Delete and View Sales

Payments (Add, Edit, Delete Multiple)

Receive Online Payments


Add, Edit, Delete and View Shipments

Product Offer

Add, Edit, Delete and View Bids

Add Sales From Quote

Download as PDF


Add, Edit, Delete and View Purchases

Payments (Add, Edit, Delete Multiple)

Import by CSV


Transfer Products to Warehouses

Add, Edit, Delete and View Transmissions with Status

Import by CSV


User Oriented Design, Touch Screen Friendly

Print Sales, Order and Suspend Invoice

Show Customers Invoice Screen

Accept Multiple Payments

Add Sales, Payment, and Staff Notes

Human Resources

Add, Edit, Delete and View Users, Assign Usage Authorizations

Add, Edit, Delete and View Customer, Invoice, Supplier

Import Customers, Account Managers, Suppliers with CSV


General Inspection and Warehouse Stock Charts

Product Amount and Expiry Date Alerts

Daily, Monthly Private Sales, Payments, Profit / Loss Purchase Report

Customers, Suppliers, Due, Top Sellers Reports

Profit / Loss Report

Best Sellers Report

Product report

Daily Sales Report

Monthly Sales Report

Daily Purchase Report

Monthly Purchase Report

Sales report

Payment Report

Purchase Report

Warehouse Stock Chart Report

Product Quantity Warning Report

User Report

Customer Report

Supplier Report

Delivery Date Report


Edit Logo, Company Title

Change POS Settings

Edit User Profile, Change Password

Create Authorizations for Users

Add, Edit, Delete and View Customer Groups

Add, Edit, Delete and View Repositories

Add, Edit, Delete and View Tax Rates

Add, Edit, Delete and View Brands

Add, Edit, Delete and View Volumes


Multi-Language Usage (English, French, Spanish, Arabic, German etc.)

Table Sorting (on column basis)

Column Visibility Controls

Export Table Contents to CSV, PDF or Print (Selected Columns)

Mail Notification System for Sales, Offers, Returns and Payments

You can contact our expert team about other detailed features of warehouse management software.

Call Us Now
+90 850 432 52 60